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Ao fazer sua doação para o servidor,você ganha VIP Points que pode ser trocado por itens VIPs



The Calamity.gif

[VIP] Sword (Atk:65, Def:65).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 68.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Demonwing Axe.gif

[VIP] Axe (Atk:65, Def:65).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 120.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


The Stomper.gif

[VIP] Club (Atk:65, Def:65).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 115.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Viper Star.gif

[VIP] Star (Atk:75).
They weigh 200.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00



[VIP] Wand (Atk:500).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 23.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00



Amulet VIP

Broken Amulet.gif

[VIP] amulet (protection all +15%, speed +40).
It weighs 4.20 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Set Mage VIP

Glacier Mask.gif

[VIP] mage helmet (Arm:5, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Glacier Robe.gif

[VIP] mage armor (Arm:11, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 22.50 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Glacier Kilt.gif

[VIP] mage legs (Arm:8, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 19.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Glacier Shoes.gif

[VIP] mage boots (Arm:2, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
It weighs 7.50 oz.
regenera mais 100 de mana.@OldYurots R$ 5,00

Amazon Shield.gif

[VIP] mage shield (Def:35, magic level +15).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 12.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Set Knight VIP

Dwarven Helmet.gif

[VIP] knight helmet (Arm:10, club fighting +5, sword fighting +5, axe fighting +5, protection physical +5%, death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by knights.
It weighs 42.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Dwarven Armor.gif

[VIP] knight armor (Arm:20, club fighting +5, sword fighting +5, axe fighting +5, protection physical +5%, death +5%).
It weighs 130.00 oz.It can only be wielded properly by knights.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Dwarven Legs.gif

[VIP] knight legs (Arm:15, club fighting +5, sword fighting +5, axe fighting +5, protection physical +5%, death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 40.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Patched Boots.gif

[VIP] knight boots (Arm:5, club fighting +5, sword fighting +5, axe fighting +5, protection physical +5%, death +5%, speed +25).
It can only be wielded properly by knights.
It weighs 9.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00

Nightmare Shield.gif

[VIP] knight shield (Def:50, shielding +10, protection fire +10%, ice +10%).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 32.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Set Paladin VIP

Dragon Scale Helmet.gif

[VIP] paladin helmet (Arm:10, distance fighting +5, protection fire +5%, death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 60.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Swamplair Armor.gif

[VIP] paladin armor (Arm:13, distance fighting +5, protection fire +5%, death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 84.50 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Dragon Scale Legs.gif

[VIP] paladin legs (Arm:10, distance fighting +5, protection fire +5%, death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 48.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00


Dragon Scale Boots.gif

[VIP] paladin boots (Arm:3, distance fighting +5,protection physical +15%, protection fire +5%, death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 18.50 oz.
@OldYurots R$ 5,00


Necromancer Shield.gif

[VIP] paladin shield (Def:45, distance fighting +10, protection fire +10%, ice +10%).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 8 or higher.
It weighs 32.00 oz.
@OldYurots. R$ 5,00